Smart Cars!
There is a real lack of SMART cars in Asian countries... well at least in the countries I've lived in since it was first introduced during the 1995s. Surprisingly, there seems to be a real difference in the size of the cars people prefer in France compared to Thailand and Korea. Here, I should say about 60% of cars are three doors or less, and you will often see the signature 'SMART' style parking all over Lyon... These miniature vehicles are short enough to allow it to be parked 'nose in' whereas a conventionally sized (4-door) or more car would have to parallel park. There are tons of these SMART all over Lyon, where there is practically a War of Parking everyday. Here, a nice car is a car you can park easily... It's a country where taxi drivers drive the Merdeces S-classes, and the rest.... the ordinary Renaults and Citroens.